Friday, February 5, 2010

46. Tough Love

I had just sat down when the driver asked me to turn down my ipod. Just a book on tape, not loud music and full earphone not ear buds, so I was surprised that anyone could hear it. But no problem since I usually I take off my headphones as soon as I sit down anyway. A few minutes later she asked me again, in a tone that would normally be reserved for disobedient children. I explained that I had already turned it off, which prompted the rider in back of me to apologize-it was his music all along. A few stops later she refused to let a guy on:"You jaywalked; I don't let jaywalkers on my bus." I guess I should be grateful that she hadn't kicked me off--it's her right to do so.

The day before, a guy who looked 70 but moved like he was 80 slowly climbed on and asked how much was reduced fare. "I have to see your reduced fare card." The passenger sat down and leafed through his wallet, showing his medicare card, his drivers license, and a couple of other random cards, all to no avail. Meanwhile a kid gets on and shows a transfer. "We don't take Pierce transit transfers. That will be $3.00 or $2 if you're a student." The kid explains that he got stranded without any money; he's just trying to get back home. "Then take the local bus; they'll accept the transfer." So the old guy pulls out a $5 bill and pays for his and the kid's fare.

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