Monday, October 31, 2011

92. Zombie Survival Guide

From the book/calendar of the same name, comes this praise for the bicycle:

"In a class by itself, this vehicle offers the best of both worlds... fast, quiet, muscle-powered.. [and] the only vehicle you can pick up and carry if the terrain gets too rough... People using bicycles to escape from infested areas have almost always fared better than those on foot... use a mountain bike... Don't let your speed and mobility get to your head, however... The last thing you want is to end up in a ditch, legs broken, bike trashed, with the shuffling of undead feet growing louder with each step."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

91. Hey, Turn Off Your %#*&$&@ Engine

Salt Lake City has joined Philadelphia as toughest in the nation with its 2-minute anti-idling ordinance.  A handful of other cities in the country have 3 minute limits.  However, bowing to the pressure of business interests, idling at drive through windows is exempted if the business owner posts an educational sign encouraging drivers to turn off their motors.  Idling at stop signs is also allowed, so the two largest contributors to idling pollution are not affected (in Switzerland, idling at stop lights is a no-no).

Not idling is a win-win-win:  The environment benefits, drivers save money at the pump and on engine wear and tear, and most important of all, the lungs of nearby cyclists and pedestrians get a break.