Friday, August 19, 2011

90. Hanging by a Thread

A turncoat Republican gave the county council the vote it needed to pass the $20 surtax on car registrations to keep the county bus system going.  The price she exacted was the elimination of downtown's free ride zone.  Initially meant to help downtown business and speed up the system (accepting fares takes time), it later served mainly tourists and the homeless, neither of whom have much clout in county politics.  Most riders use a pass, and cash fares have to be exact, so reinstituting fares downtown won't slow the system.

1 comment:

  1. We have a referendum for a half cent sales tax all going to public transportation in Durham this year. Hopefully as its an off year no one really votes except people have something they really care about and we'll be able to drum up enough support for it to pass.
