Saturday, July 29, 2017

169. A Four Hour Commute

Sure, given a winter storm or an unannounced routing change, a four hour round trip commute is understandable, but here's what happened last Tuesday.

It all started on 
Monday while pruning a lilac tree (I know, too late in the season to be trimming but whatever), I fell head first into the tree, with my left arm straight, hand extended: radial fracture.

So no driving, no cycling, and certainly didn't feel like running.  At 6 am I started with a 35 minute walk to light rail station, waiting just 2 minutes then a 15 minute ride to the stadium station.  As I exit, I see my express bus leave the stop across the street.  Wait 25 min for next bus, 45 min to my stop, then 10-15 min walk to my office, walking into my office at 8:15.

Going home a little easier because I caught a bus from my office to the express stop, then another bus from the light rail station to within a few blocks from home (so three buses and one light rail).  Day total 4 hours. And people ask why I'm retiring next year.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

168. Prius Personality

Disclaimer: I do not own a Prius (but I'd like to--well, I'd rather own a Tesla or Bolt, though not now in the market for a new car, so it's all theoretical.)

Anyway, a few years ago someone stood near a pedestrian crossing and kept track of drivers who ignored the pedestrians' right of way. Turns out that luxury car and Prius owners were less likely to stop for pedestrians, as required by law and common courtesy.

A couple days ago a Prius crossed over several lanes, cutting off my bus.  I was in the front seat and mentioned this study to the driver.

"Ask any bus driver," he said, "they all hate Priuses."  

I decided not to inform him that Toyota has decreed "Prii" to be the plural of Prius based on a public vote, though "Priuses" did come in close second.

Friday, April 7, 2017

167. Thumper's Law

Which is worse:

A couple of Sundays ago, I was aiming for the first bus run of the day, not initially aware that my stop was cancelled for that morning because of the city's annual St Patrick's Day Dash, a 5km run though downtown (even though the race didn't start until more than an hour after the missed run. Another rider discovered the reason for the missed bus and we walked/biked to the first active stop. 


So shivering and frustrated, I caught the next bus and at my stop pulled my bike off the rack and started up the hill to my office.  I'm near the top and pause at an intersection to allow a dog-walker to cross the street.  He looks at me (I assume he thought I paused to catch my breath, not as a courtesy to him) and says, "hey, you're looking good; most people your age wouldn't even try this hill."  

Friday, February 24, 2017

166: It's All Relative

When I bought my Volvo wagon 27 years ago it was a big car.  Now I park it in "compact only slots.

When I took it in for maintenance a few weeks ago, the service guy told me the bill ($1200--first repair work in 10 years), he asked me, "you really like this car, don't you?"

Yes, I do.  

But not for commuting--I'll staying with my bike.

Monday, February 6, 2017

165. "SRO" a tragedy in one act

The setting: standing room only intercity bus.  There is just one seat left, currently occupied by the belongings of a 30-something woman, who I will call Beth.

Cast of Characters: Beth, 60 yr old Sharon, 25 yr old Isabel, and 25 yr old Roberto.

Sharon to Beth (calm, but with the tone of a elementary school teacher): "You know, if you move your things, there will be room for one more passenger."

Beth to Sharon (dripping with sarcasm): "I was just rearranging them, but thank you for being the authority figure here."

Sharon then leaves the bus (another will come in 15 minutes).  Isabel and Roberto remain standing for the next 40 minutes; the seat remains vacant, Beth having moved her purse and pack to the floor.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

164. Subway Etiquette

With a new light rail system (subway light) in town, the transit authority figured an education campaign is in order. Cute.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

163. When in Rome

Came home the other night to find this line-up in front of my house.  Must be parent's night at the nearby private high school.  Either that or the President is coming to dinner.

Full disclosure: among my neighbors along the street there are 3 black SUVs plus a couple of other SUVs, three Volvos, and one Prius.