Saturday, March 27, 2010

54. Bike Mechanic, Part II

Status report

Initiating event: Gear shifter stuck (broken?)

1. Learn how to spell derailleur.

2. Took shifter apart; can't see what's wrong. But at least I adjusted the rear cable so that it's stuck in a middle gear.

3. Adjust the front derailleur, you know, the one I never use because it has been out of adjustment ever since I bought the bike. Too bad, though. The lowest gear isn't low enough for the steepest hills I face every day (coming and going), and the highest gear isn't high enough to allow max speed on level ground. How did I ever manage with my 3-speed blue-the-color-of-my-eyes Schwinn in the seventh grade? Maybe because Twin Falls is essentially flat.

4. Total embarrassment when I see how dirty my gears are.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

53. Equal Rights

As reported in Wired, Federal policies will now have to consider cyclists and pedestrians as coequals with motorists:

I have mixed reactions about this. Let's face it, except in small flat cities with mild climates, cyclists will always be a tiny minority of commuters. I'd much rather see energy and money directed towards public transportation than for bicycle lanes, etc.

On the other hand, any change that makes commuting more annoying, expensive or slower for individual drivers, can't be all bad.

Friday, March 19, 2010

52. Bike Mechanic

Never been much of a bike mechanic. A little oil; change/adjust brakes--that's about it. But a couple of days ago my bike fell over and now I can't shift the rear gears. Should I take it to a bike shop and have a tune up that will cost half of the bike's original price? Or do I take up bike repair at this late stage in my life? I'll see what the weather's like tomorrow.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

51. Two Glove Day

Friday was a 2 glove day, meaning that my gloves were too wet from the morning ride to wear coming home. I usually have a second pair with me, so no problem. It was also a two sock day. That's more of a problem because even though the socks are dry, the shoes are wet so by the time I get home, socks and feet are wet as well. I could have an extra pair of shoes at work; I'll work on that. Or I could use my waterproof shoe covers. But the problem is that I don't really appreciate how hard it's raining until I'm too far into the commute to turn around and come back. Sometimes life is very complicated.

And while we're on the subject of shoes, I have succumbed to the latest shoe fad.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

50. Macho Cycling

Have I mentioned how I hate it when another cyclist passes me and then immediately slows down? So tonight, I speed up, not enough to pass, just close enough to keep my options open. My route has a left turn but I continue to tail him straight--uphill no less. Then at the top of the hill I pass him and immediately turn left, increasing my speed. I could look back to see if he also turned. But I don't want to give him the pleasure of knowing that he has power over me. I ride fast for a few blocks then another left to return to my route. He's nowhere to be seen. VIctory!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

49. Thou Shalt Not

For those who worship the god of cycling, listening to an IPod while cycling is forbidden right up there with helmetless riding. One creative apostate claimed that "books-on-tape" were okay because unlike music, gaps between words allowed one to hear street noises. Say what?

I don't worry about missing some sound. It's not like I change lanes because I can't hear a car approaching. And horns are as likely to project anger as a concern for my safety. But the distraction could be my downfall, focussing on a New Yorker commentary instead of what's ahead of me.

But I spend almost an hour a day on my bike, same routes more or less. It's boring.