Saturday, March 27, 2010

54. Bike Mechanic, Part II

Status report

Initiating event: Gear shifter stuck (broken?)

1. Learn how to spell derailleur.

2. Took shifter apart; can't see what's wrong. But at least I adjusted the rear cable so that it's stuck in a middle gear.

3. Adjust the front derailleur, you know, the one I never use because it has been out of adjustment ever since I bought the bike. Too bad, though. The lowest gear isn't low enough for the steepest hills I face every day (coming and going), and the highest gear isn't high enough to allow max speed on level ground. How did I ever manage with my 3-speed blue-the-color-of-my-eyes Schwinn in the seventh grade? Maybe because Twin Falls is essentially flat.

4. Total embarrassment when I see how dirty my gears are.

1 comment:

  1. None of my bikes use any expensive components. As a result, if something isn't functioning correctly, it's usually quicker and easier and not much more expensive to simply replace parts rather than trying to fix them.
