Thursday, March 4, 2010

49. Thou Shalt Not

For those who worship the god of cycling, listening to an IPod while cycling is forbidden right up there with helmetless riding. One creative apostate claimed that "books-on-tape" were okay because unlike music, gaps between words allowed one to hear street noises. Say what?

I don't worry about missing some sound. It's not like I change lanes because I can't hear a car approaching. And horns are as likely to project anger as a concern for my safety. But the distraction could be my downfall, focussing on a New Yorker commentary instead of what's ahead of me.

But I spend almost an hour a day on my bike, same routes more or less. It's boring.

1 comment:

  1. I always listen to headphones on my bike. I wouldn't have it any other way.
