My folding bike, now credited with three saves during the first 5 months of use, was about due for its six month "warrantee tune-up," so I took it in the to dealer. The mechanic put it up on a stand and with some disdain asked me how many miles. "I don't know" (later I decided about 200 miles, with many hills and some rain, both suggesting more wear and tear that one might expect in six months).
"You're beyond your warrantee."
"But it says six months, nothing said about mileage."
"You need a 'silver' tune-up; can't let you leave without it; bike's unsafe."
"Silver?" Why not platinum or titanium" Or molybdenite?
Well I did leave, rode my bike home without incident, put in new brakes, then a few days later returned. The mechanic this time accepted without question my request that I receive the promised tune-up with no work replacement of parts not covered by said warrantee. We'll see.